Starting out honest

Hi there. If you’re reading this, that means you’ve stumbled onto my website for all of my authorial adventures. I love writing and hate doing things like building websites, so I appreciate you diving in this far. Partially because that means you’re interested in learning more about Vigilant and my other projects. The other reason I’m glad is that it validates all of the headbanging I’ve done on this website. BUT I DIGRESS.

It’s always interesting when you take the step from doing something in the silence of your own happy creative place and announce it to put it out in the world. You quickly realize that the creation of the thing you’ve fostered and cared for and enjoyed is the romantic part of it. The unromantic part is everything that follows to get the interest and buy-in of everyone who may be interested in that creative thing you’ve made, but still don’t know about it yet.

During my research on how to get more attention for a first-time novelist, the number one response was to post about it on a blog. Gotta do those blog posts! I’ll be totally honest, I don’t know if I’ve ever read a blog post by an author I was interested in. But this is what the internet tells me we need to do, so here we are. Together.

Now, this doesn’t mean I’ll be doing this the way most blogger authors do. I don’t intend on reading through other authors’ blogs and copying their styles. I think there’s a level of uniqueness and enjoyment that comes with taking your own steps into the wilderness despite other people having a map made for you. Some of these posts probably won’t be what you’re used to reading if you’re a fan of author blogs. I won’t be doing the backfill content creation to get you sticking on my site longer, reading these posts. Sometimes I may talk about my personal life, sometimes maybe the themes of the books that are sticking in my head, sometimes just the craft of writing itself.

I hope you enjoy VIGILANT when it releases on June 7th and stick with me throughout the rest of The Hudson Saga and any other projects I decide to dive into. I don’t know who you are, I don’t know if anyone is reading this, but if anyone’s eyes other than mine have gotten this far down the page, just know that I appreciate you.




“So… It’s like a superhero book?”